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熱門婚宴歌曲 - 上菜歌篇 Wedding Songs for the First Dish

Writer's picture: felicestudiofelicestudio

Updated: May 21, 2020

熱門婚宴歌曲 - 上菜歌篇 Wedding Songs for the First Dish


「操豬歌」- 應該是港式婚宴獨有環節吧!所謂「操豬」,意指婚宴上第一道菜時,場地工作人員列隊步操般為大家送上第一道菜 - 鴻運乳豬全體。為配合囍慶嘅氣氛,通常都會配上熱鬧嘅音樂。早年嘅婚宴通常愛用陳慧琳嘅「囍菜」,又或是麥兜卡通中嘅「仲有最靚嘅豬腩肉」。而近年則流行一些輕快嘅流行曲,無論用邊類音樂,上菜歌都建議為輕快、搶耳、能Draw attention嘅音樂。


提提大家,一般三小時嘅婚宴,Live band表演的話,大概演奏三十首歌,如果播歌的話,則建議準備至少三十首歌,於USB內分好Folder(如:進場、上菜、敬酒等),如果場地不可用USB而要用CD播放,切記要將不同時段嘅歌燒錄於不同CD / DVD內,問清楚工作人員支援格式( CD / MP3),咁就萬無一失啦!

送下送上幾首Felice Live Band演奏嘅熱門婚宴上菜歌曲:

Take the "A" train

//You must take the "A" train To go to Sugar Hill way up in Harlem If you miss the "A" train You'll find you've missed the quickest way to Harlem//

Be Our Guest

//Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test Tie your napkin 'round your neck cherie, And we'll provide the rest Soup du jour Hot hors d'oeuvres Why, we only live to serve Try the grey stuff It's delicious! Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!//

來自迪士尼電影「Beauty & the Beast」中最喜慶的一幕,一班杯杯碟碟茶壺等餐具一齊唱呢首歌去歡迎女主角,叫佢好好享受晚宴,飲多d,食多d。

Tea for two

//Picture you upon my knee Just tea for two And two for tea Just me for you And you for me...alone//

Come fly with me

//Once I get you up there where the air is rarified We'll just glide, starry-eyed Once I get you up there I'll be holding you so near You may hear angels cheer 'cause we're together//

Happy Together

//Imagine me and you, I do I think about you day and night, it's only right To think about the girl you love and hold her tight So happy together//

Super Mario Theme

好多新人都估唔到我地個song list會有呢首歌,每次上菜一起呢首歌,總會有些賓客突然向我地Live Band位置一望,然後發出會心微笑,真係要感謝最初建議我哋演奏呢首歌嘅客人!


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